//// SharpMotion :: Portfolio - The German National Tourist Board

The German National Tourist Board

Social Media Campaign Minisite


The German National Tourist Board (GNTB) has its headquarters in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. It works on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) to represent Germany as a tourist destination and is funded by the Ministry in accordance with a decision taken by the German Bundestag. The GNTB develops and communicates strategies and products to promote Germany's positive image abroad as a tourist destination and to encourage tourists to visit the country. It has 30 agencies around the world to support its activities.

As part of its global campaign on the ‘Holidays in the heart of nature in Germany’ theme, the German National Tourist Board is focusing its international marketing activities in 2016 on facts relating to nature tourism.


Central to the sales and marketing activities are the 130-plus protected national landscapes in Germany – 16 national parks, 15 UNESCO biosphere reserves and 104 nature parks. The sub-themes of ‘Surprises in Nature’ and ‘Nature’s Pleasures’ reveal lesser-known sides to and destinations in Germany, and provide tips and background stories.

The campaign was designed to boost fan growth and drive traffic by leveraging the influence of social media. With Facebook as a strong communication platform, we utilized the channel to reach our target audience and successfully delivered the engaging content in our quiz game minisite that drew the attention of our audience. In order to reach as much target audience as possible, participants would also be encouraged to share the campaign to their friends with rewards.


The overall art direction of the minisite aimed at presenting a more vital and trendy image, with lucid and concise layout of flat graphic as well as horizontal parallax animation, a natural and vibrant tone of voice was created.